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The Blonde Leading the Blind

Custom window coverings expert for two decades! Edmonton, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, St. Albert, Devon, Sherwood Park, Leduc and beyond!

It's "Blue Monday," which has everything to do with marketing travel to sunny destinations to people who are feeling a little down after the buzz of the holidays, and absolutely nothing to do with the colour blue!

That said, how DO YOU feel about a BLUE HUE?

Blue is a very versatile colour, which looks fabulous with browns, greys, creams, whites, yellows & golds, peachy tones... the list goes on!


#blinds #shades #shadings #shutters #drapery #customblinds #windowcoverings
#windowtreatments #windowfashions #yegblinds #yegshades #yegdrapery #edmontonblinds #edmontonshades #edmontondrapery #supportlocalbusiness #supportlocal #wehavetheknack #beautifulwindows #bluemonday #hue #blue
We don't JUST do blinds!

These valances were made with fabric that C&A bought, and then we supplied the banding fabric, sewing, wrapped boards, hardware & installation.

#customwindowcoverings #customvalances #customdrapery #custom #edmonton #yeg #yegvalances #yegdrapery #yegcustomwindowcoverings #supportlocalbusiness #supportlocal #wehavetheknack #beautifulwindows
#hilarious #icanhelpwiththat #blinds #customblinds #blindsyeg #shades #customshades #shadesyeg #windowcoverings #windowtreatments #windowfashions #privacy #privacymatters #lightcontrol #liveinthelight #sleepinthedark
Sometimes, some simple screen rollers are all you need!  Beautiful window treatments DON'T have to cost a small fortune!

S&R both love lots of light, but they wanted to block out some of the glare from this huge, south-facing window.  They don't need total privacy, so a 4% screen was the perfect fabric.  This one has a lovely mix of greys and browns, so it is the perfect neutral for their home!  They are cordless for child safety, plus they look super sharp without cords or wands hanging down!  They can rest knowing their grandkids are safe and they can slow the fade of the furniture and floors.

#blinds #shades #shutters #drapery #customblinds #customshades #customshutters #customdrapery #wehavetheknack #childsafe #yeg #decorator #yegblinds #yegshades #yegshutters #yegdrapery #yegdecor #greatbrands #greatwarranty #CWCR #screenshades #screenrollers #letinthelight #sleepinthedark #liveinthelight #uvprotection #yegdecorator #windowcoverings #windowtreatments
Lovely, light and airy Day/Night Shades aka Two Fabric Combination Shades!!!

K is so happy with her choice for her home office (at her front door, so privacy and insulation are extremely important) as well as the rest of the house!

#shades #customblinds #customwindowcoverings #customshades #happycustomer #lifetimewarranty #childsafe #safetyfirst #sleepinthedarkandliveinthelight #blackoutforbedrooms #privacy #insulation #beautifulwindows #cleanandtidy #simplesolutions #noexposedcords #wehavetheknack #experiencematters #supportlocalbusiness #supportindependent
Only 18 feet tall, wall to wall... #NBD

#drapery #customdrapery #edmonton #customwindowtreatments #yeg #sheers #customsheers #highceilings #yourhomecanlooklikeashowhometoo #supportlocalbusiness #supportindependent #childsafe
Beautiful "Banana Bread"

This gorgeous fabric, Peaceful Allure, in colour Banana Bread, is so warm and inviting, just like yummy banana bread, but without the actual baking, calories, gluten, or clean up!  Haha

Thanks S.S. for giving your space this delicious makeover!

#blinds #drapery #shades #shutters #customblinds #customdrapery #customshades #customshutters #lifetimewarranty #childsafe #trustanexpert #supportlocalbusiness #supportlocal #yeg #edmonton #sprucegrove #stonyplain #sherwoodpark #Devon #stalbert #parklandcounty #sturgeoncounty #beaumont #Leduc #Ardrossan #strathconacounty #fortsaskatchewan
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– Amanda (The Blonde)